Unexpected Blessings

Available for viewing at The Urban Arts Space, Columbus Ohio

June 1st - July 1st 2023

I'm realizing that each of these images were captured as unexpected blessings. I feel like, coming from a season of always somewhat knowing what’s to come, to now not being as sure, I am being challenged to remain. A challenge to remain an artist, to remain calm, a challenge to remain patient, to contain anxieties and maintain faith. It can be overwhelming, leaving my mind running some days and my heart racing other nights. I feel tears prickling at the sides of my eyes even as I’m writing this. Stretches of time can pass where I'm confused on what I’m even doing. A collection of ordinary days that can leave me wondering. But I think it’s worth mentioning that through these ordinary days I’ll carry my camera with me. 

It’s funny because as I’m struggling with the unknown, questioning the ifs, whens and hows, I’m also stopping strangers. Having no idea who they are and still encountering them. Sharing space and a few words on our way to wherever we were going. In a way, encountering a kind of unknown and enjoying it. Being able to be surprised by the beauty that could have come out of something I didn’t necessarily know or expect. Learning and relearning to fall in love with whatever days I may have.


A Timeless Love